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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
“Why don’t you instruct?”

“Instruct! O, fiddlestick! What instructing do you think I should do? I look
like it! As to Marie, she has spirit enough, to be sure, to kill off a whole planta-
tion, if I’d let her manage; but she wouldn’t get the cheatery out of them.”

“Are there no honest ones?”

“Well, now and then one, whom Nature makes so impracticably simple, truth-
ful, and faithful, that the worst possible influence can’t destroy it. But, you see,
from the mother’s breast the colored child feels and sees that there are none but
underhand ways open to it. It can get along no other way with its parents, its mis-
tress, its young master and missie playfellows. Cunning and deception become
necessary, inevitable habits. It isn’t fair to expect anything else of him. He ought
not to be punished for it. As to honesty, the slave is kept in that dependent, semi-
childish state, that there is no making him realize the rights of property, or feel
that his master’s goods are not his own, if he can get them. For my part, I don’t
see how they can be honest. Such a fellow as Tom, here, is-is a moral miracle!”

“And what becomes of their souls?” said Miss Ophelia.

“That isn’t my affair as I know of,” said St. Clare; “I am only dealing in facts
of the present life. The fact is, that the whole race are pretty generally understood
to be turned over to the devil, for our benefit, in this world, however it may turn
out in another!”
<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe

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