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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
as often as anywhere; and, when existing, find in that peculiar state of society a
brilliant opportunity to exhibit their domestic talent.

Such a housekeeper Marie St. Clare was not, nor her mother before her. Indo-
lent and childish, unsystematic and improvident, it was not to be expected that ser-
vants trained under her care should not be so likewise; and she had very justly
described to Miss Ophelia the state of confusion she would find in the family,
though she had not ascribed it to the proper cause.

The first morning of her regency, Miss Ophelia was up at four o’clock; and
having attended to all the adjustments of her own chamber, as she had done ever
since she came there, to the great amazement of the chambermaid, she prepared
for a vigorous onslaught on the cupboards and closets of the establishment of
which she had the keys.

The store-room, the linen-presses, the china-closet, the kitchen and cellar, that
day, all went under an awful review. Hidden things of darkness were brought to
light to an extent that alarmed all the principalities and powers of kitchen and
chamber, and caused many wonderings and murmurings about “dese yer northern
ladies” from the domestic cabinet.

Old Dinah, the head cook, and principal of all rule and authority in the
kitchen department, was filled with wrath at what she considered an invasion of
privilege. No feudal baron in Magna Charta times could have more thoroughly re-
sented some incursion of the crown.
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