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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
your errands. Come, come,” he added, “no blessings. I’m not so wonderfully
good, now,” he said, as he gently pushed Tom to the door. “There, I’ll pledge my
honor to you, Tom, you don’t see me so again,” he said; and Tom went off, wip-
ing his eyes with great satisfaction.

“I’ll keep my faith with him, too,” said St. Clare, as he closed the door.

And St. Clare did so,- for gross sensualism, in any form, was not the peculiar
temptation of his nature.

But, all this time, who shall detail the tribulations manifold of our friend Miss
Ophelia, who had begun the labors of a Southern housekeeper?

There is all the difference in the world in the servants of Southern estab-
lishments, according to the character and capacity of the mistresses who have
brought them up.

South as well as north, there are women who have an extraordinary talent for
command, and tact in educating. Such are enabled, with apparent ease, and with-
out severity, to subject to their will, and bring into harmonious and systematic or-
der, the various members of their small estate,- to regulate their peculiarities, and
so balance and compensate the deficiencies of one by the excess of another, as to
produce a harmonious and orderly system.

Such a housekeeper was Mrs. Shelby, whom we have already described; and
such our readers may remember to have met with. If they are not common at the
South, it is because they are not common in the world. They are to be found there
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