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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
“O, of course, our way is the pleasantest,” said Eva.

“Why so?” said St. Clare stroking her head.

“Why, it makes so many more round you to love, you know,” said Eva, look-
ing up earnestly.

“Now, that’s just like Eva,” said Marie; “just one of her odd speeches.”

“Is it an odd speech, papa?” said Eva, whisperingly, as she got upon his knee.

“Rather, as this world goes, Pussy,” said St. Clare. “But where has my little
Eva been, all dinner-time?”

“O, I’ve been up in Tom’s room, hearing him sing, and Aunt Dinah gave me
my dinner.”

“Hearing Tom sing, hey?”

“O, yes! he sings such beautiful things about the New Jerusalem, and bright
angels, and the land of Canaan.”

“I dare say; it’s better than the opera, isn’t it?”

“Yes, and he’s going to teach them to me.”

“Singing lessons, hey?- you are coming on.”

“Yes, he sings for me, and I read to him in my Bible; and he explains what it
means, you know.”

“On my word,” said Marie, laughing, “that is the latest joke of the season.”
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