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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
speaks up, like a man, and says slavery is necessary to us, we can’t get along with-
out it, we should be beggared if we give it up, and, of course, we mean to hold on
to it,- this is strong, clear, well-defined language; it has the respectability of truth
to it; and if we may judge by their practice, the majority of the world will bear us
out in it. But when he begins to put on a long face, and snuffle, and quote Scrip-
ture, I incline to think he isn’t much better than he should be.”

“You are very uncharitable,” said Marie.

“Well,” said St. Clare, “suppose that something should bring down the price
of cotton once and forever, and make the whole slave property a drug in the mar-
ket, don’t you think we should soon have another version of the Scripture doc-
trine? What a flood of light would pour into the church, all at once, and how
immediately it would be discovered that everything in the Bible and reason went
the other way!”

“Well, at any rate,” said Marie, as she reclined herself on a lounge, “I’m thank-
ful I’m born where slavery exists; and I believe it’s right-indeed I feel it must be;
and, at any rate, I’m sure I couldn’t get along without it.”

“I say, what do you think, Pussy?” said her father to Eva, who came in at this
moment, with a flower in her hand.

“What about, papa?”

“Why, which do you like the best,- to live as they do at your uncle’s, up in
Vermont, or to have a house full of servants, as we do?”
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