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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
slender wrist? Most likely it was. Or, if it wasn’t that, it was something else; for
Marie patronized good things, and she was going now, in full force,- diamonds,
silk, and lace, and jewels, and all,- to a fashionable church, to be very religious.
Marie always made a point to be very pious on Sundays. There she stood, so slen-
der, so elegant, so airy, and undulating in all her motions, her lace scarf envelop-
ing her like a mist. She looked a graceful creature, and she felt very good and
very elegant indeed. Miss Ophelia stood at her side, a perfect contrast. It was not
that she had not as handsome a silk dress and shawl, and as fine a pocket-handker-
chief; but stiffness and squareness, and bolt-uprightness, enveloped her with as in-
definite yet appreciable a presence as did grace her elegant neighbor; not the
grace of God, however,- that is quite another thing!

“Where’s Eva?” said Marie.

“The child stopped on the stairs, to say something to Mammy.”

And what was Eva saying to Mammy on the stairs? Listen, reader, and you
will hear, though Marie does not.

“Dear Mammy, I know your head is aching dreadfully.”

“Lord bless you, Miss Eva! my head allers aches lately. You don’t need to

“Well, I’m glad you’re going out; and here,”- and the little girl threw her arms
around her-‘Mammy, you shall take my vinaigrette."
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