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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
Then, too, he was in a beautiful place, a consideration to which his sensitive
race are never indifferent; and he did enjoy, with a quiet joy the birds, the flowers,
the fountains, the perfume, and light and beauty of the court, the silken hangings,
and pictures, and lustres, and statuettes, and gilding, that made the parlors within
a kind of Aladdin’s palace to him.

If ever Africa shall show an elevated and cultivated race,- and come it must,
some time, her turn to figure in the great drama of human improvement,- life will
awake there with a gorgeousness and splendor of which our cold western tribes
faintly have conceived. In that far-off mystic land of gold, and gems, and spices,
and waving palms, and wondrous flowers, and miraculous fertility, will awake
new forms of art, new styles of splendor; and the negro race, no longer despised
and trodden down, will, perhaps, show forth some of the latest and most magnifi-
cent revelations of human life. Certainly they will, in their gentleness, their lowly
docility of heart, their aptitude to repose on a superior mind and rest on a higher
power, their child-like simplicity of affection, and facility of forgiveness. In all
these they will exhibit the highest form of the peculiarly Christian life, and, per-
haps, as God chasteneth whom he loveth, he hath chosen poor Africa in the fur-
nace of affliction, to make her the highest and noblest in that kingdom which he
will set up, when every other kingdom has been tried, and failed; for the first shall
be last, and the last first.

Was this what Marie St. Clare was thinking of, as she stood gorgeously
dressed, on the verandah, on Sunday morning, clasping a diamond bracelet on her
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