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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
“Well, Cousin Vermont, I suppose you are all ready.”

“I’ve been ready, waiting, nearly an hour,” said Miss Ophelia; “I began to be
really concerned about you.”

“That’s a clever fellow, now,” said he. “Well, the carriage is waiting, and the
crowd are now off, so that one can walk out in a decent and Christian manner,
and not be pushed and shoved. Here,” he added to a driver who stood behind him,
“take these things.”

“I’ll go and see to his putting them in,” said Miss Ophelia.

“O, pshaw, cousin, what’s the use?” said St. Clare.

“Well, at any rate, I’ll carry this, and this, and this,” said Miss Ophelia, sin-
gling out three boxes and a small carpet-bag.

“My dear Miss Vermont, positively, you mustn’t come the Green Mountains
over us that way. You must adopt at least a piece of a southern principle, and not
walk out under all that load. They’ll take you for a waiting-maid; give them to
this fellow; he’ll put them down as if they were eggs, now.”

Miss Ophelia looked despairingly, as her cousin took all her treasures from
her, and rejoiced to find herself once more in the carriage with them, in a state of

“Where’s Tom?” said Eva.
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