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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
The boat now began, with heavy groans, like some vast, tired monster, to pre-
pare to push up among the multiplied steamers at the levee. Eva joyously pointed
out the various spires, domes, and way-marks, by which she recognized her na-
tive city.

“Yes, yes, dear; very fine,” said Miss Ophelia. “But mercy on us! the boat has
stopped! where is your father?”

And now ensued the usual turmoil of landing-waiters running twenty ways at
once-men tugging trunks, carpet-bags, boxes-women anxiously calling to their
children, and everybody crowding in a dense mass to the plank towards the land-

Miss Ophelia seated herself resolutely on the lately vanquished trunk, and
marshalling all her goods and chattels in fine military order, seemed resolved to
defend them to the last.

“Shall I take your trunk, ma’am?” “Shall I take your baggage?” “Let me ‘tend
to your baggage, Missis?” “Shan’t I carry out these yer, Missis?” rained down
upon her unheeded. She sat with grim determination, upright as a darning-needle
stuck in a board, holding on her bundle of umbrella and parasols, and replying
with a determination that was enough to strike dismay even into a hackman, won-
dering to Eva, in each interval, “what upon earth her papa could be thinking of;
he couldn’t have fallen over, now,- but something must have happened;”- and just
as she had begun to work herself into a real distress, he came up, with his usually
careless motion, and giving Eva a quarter of the orange he was eating, said,
<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe

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