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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
“Ruth, what does thee think?” said Rachel. “Father says Eliza’s husband is in
the last company, and will be here to-night.”

A burst of joy from the little Quakeress interrupted the speech. She gave such
a bound from the floor, as she clapped her little hands, that two stray curls fell
from under her Quaker cap, and lay brightly on her white neckerchief.

“Hush thee, dear!” said Rachel, gently; “hush, Ruth! Tell us, shall we tell her

“Now! to be sure,- this very minute. Why, now, suppose ‘twas my John, how
should I feel? Do tell her, right off.”

“Thee uses thyself only to learn how to love thy neighbor, Ruth,” said
Simeon, looking, with a beaming face, on Ruth.

“To be sure. Isn’t it what we are made for? If I didn’t love John and the baby,
I should not know how to feel for her. Come, now, do tell her,- do!” and she laid
her hands persuasively on Rachel’s arm. “Take her into thy bedroom, there and let
me fry the chicken while thee does it.”

Rachel came out into the kitchen, where Eliza was sewing, and opening the
door of a small bedroom said gently, “Come in here with me, my daughter; I have
news to tell thee.”

The blood flushed in Eliza’s pale face; she rose, trembling with nervous anxi-
ety, and looked towards her boy.
<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe

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