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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
“Peter Stebbins told me that they should be along tonight, with friends,” said
Simeon, significantly, as he was washing his hands at a neat sink, in a little back

“Indeed!” said Rachel, looking thoughtfully, and glancing at Eliza.

“Did thee say thy name was Harris?” said Simeon to Eliza, as he re-entered.

Rachel glanced quickly at her husband, as Eliza tremulously answered “yes”;
her fears, ever uppermost, suggesting that possibly there might be advertisements
out for her.

“Mother!” said Simeon, standing in the porch, and calling Rachel out.

“What does thee want, father?” said Rachel, rubbing her floury hands, as she
went into the porch.

“This child’s husband is in the settlement, and will be here to-night,” said

“Now, thee doesn’t say that, father?” said Rachel, all her face radiant with joy.

“It’s really true. Peter was down yesterday, with the wagon, to the other stand,
and there he found an old woman and two men; and one said his name was
George Harris; and, from what he told of his history, I am certain who he is. He is
a bright, likely fellow, too. Shall we tell her now?” said Simeon.

“Let’s tell Ruth,” said Rachel. “Here, Ruth,- come here.”

Ruth laid down her knitting-work, and was in the back porch in a moment.
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