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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
from the prostrate creature,- “O! what shall I do? O Lord! O good Lord, do help
me!” and so, ever and anon, until the murmur died away in silence.

At midnight, Tom waked, with a sudden start. Something black passed
quickly by him to the side of the boat, and he heard a splash in the water. No one
else saw or heard anything. He raised his head,- the woman’s place was vacant!
He got up, and sought about him in vain. The poor bleeding heart was still at last,
and the river rippled and dimpled just as brightly as if it had not closed above it.

Patience! patience! ye whose hearts swell indignant at wrongs like these. Not
one throb of anguish, not one tear of the oppressed, is forgotten by the Man of
Sorrows, the Lord of Glory. In his patient, generous bosom he bears the anguish
of a world. Bear thou, like him, in patience, and labor in love; for sure as he is
God, “the year of his redeemed shall come.”

The trader waked up bright and early, and came out to see to his live stock. It
was now his turn to look about in perplexity.

“Where alive is that gal?” he said to Tom.

Tom, who had learned the wisdom of keeping counsel, did not feel called on
to state his observations and suspicions, but said he did not know.

“She surely couldn’t have got off in the night at any of the landings, for I was
awake, and on the lookout, whenever the boat stopped. I never trust these yer
things to other folks.”
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