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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
dent of a lawful trade; a trade which is the vital support of an institution which an
American divine 2 tells us has “no evil but such as are inseparable from any
other relations in social and domestic life.” But Tom, as we see, being a poor igno-
rant fellow, whose reading had been confined entirely to the New Testament,
could not comfort and solace himself with views like these. His very soul bled
within him for what seemed to him the wrongs of the poor suffering thing that lay
like a crushed reed on the boxes; the reeling, living, bleeding, yet immortal thing,
which American state law coolly classes with the bundles, and bales, and boxes,
among which she is lying.

Tom drew near, and tried to say something; but she only groaned. Honestly,
and with tears running down his own cheeks, he spoke of a heart of love in the
skies, of a pitying Jesus, and an eternal home; but the ear was deaf with anguish,
and the palsied heart could not feel.

Night came on,- night, calm, unmoved, and glorious, shining down with her
innumerable and solemn angel eyes, twinkling, beautiful, but silent. There was no
speech nor language, no pitying voice or helping hand, from that distant sky. One
after another, the voices of business or pleasure died away; all on the boat were
sleeping, and the ripples at the prow were plainly heard. Tom stretched himself
out on a box, and there, as he lay, he heard, ever and anon, a smothered sob or cry


Dr. Joel Parker, of Philadelphia.
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