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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
favored: but still he was astonished to consider how good-natured he yet re-

As to Tom, he was thinking over some words of an unfashionable old book,
which kept running through his head, again and again, as follows: “We have here
no continuing city, but we seek one to come; wherefore God himself is not
ashamed to be called our God; for he hath prepared for us a city.” These words of
an ancient volume, got up principally by “ignorant and unlearned men,” have,
through all time, kept up, somehow, a strange sort of power over the minds of
poor, simple fellows, like Tom. They stir up the soul from its depths, and rouse,
as with trumpet call, courage, energy, and enthusiasm, where before was only the
blackness of despair.

Mr. Haley pulled out of his pocket sundry newspapers, and began looking
over their advertisements, with absorbed interest. He was not a remarkably fluent
reader, and was in the habit of reading in a sort of recitative, half-aloud, by way
of calling in his ears to verify the deductions of his eyes. In this tone he slowly re-
cited the following paragraph:

“EXECUTOR’S SALE.- NEGROES!- Agreeably for order of court will be
sold, on Tuesday, February 20, before the Court-house door, in the town of Wash-
ington, Kentucky, the following negroes: Hagar, aged 60; John, aged 30; Ben,
aged 21; Saul, aged 25; Albert, aged 14. Sold for the benefit of the creditors and
heirs of the estate of Jesse Blutchford, Esq.

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