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Select Incident of Lawful Trade

“In Ramah there was a voice heard,- weeping, and lamentation, and great
mourning; Rachel weeping for her children, and would not be comforted.”

MR. HALEY and Tom jogged onward in their wagon, each, for a time, ab-
sorbed in his own reflections. Now, the reflections of two men sitting side by side
are a curious thing,- seated on the same seat, having the same eyes, ears, hands,
and organs of all sorts, and having pass before their eyes the same objects,- it is
wonderful what a variety we shall find in these same reflections!

As, for example, Mr. Haley: he thought first of Tom’s length, and breadth, and
height, and what he would sell for, if he was kept fat and in good case till he got
him into market. He thought of how he should make out his gang; he thought of
the respective market value of certain supposititious men and women and chil-
dren who were to compose it, and other kindred topics of the business; then he
thought of himself, and how humane he was, that whereas other men chained
their “niggers” hand and foot both, he only put fetters on the feet, and left Tom
the use of his hands, as long as he behaved well; and he sighed to think how un-
grateful human nature was, so that there was even room to doubt whether Tom ap-
preciated his mercies. He had been taken in so by “niggers” whom he had
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