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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
silky black hair. The brown of her complexion gave way on the cheek to a percep-
tible flush, which deepened as she saw the gaze of the strange man fixed upon her
in bold and undisguised admiration. Her dress was of the neatest possible fit, and
set off to advantage her finely moulded shape; a delicately formed hand and a
trim foot and ankle were items of appearance that did not escape the quick eye of
the trader, well used to run up at a glance the points of a fine female article.

“Well, Eliza?” said her master, as she stopped and looked hesitatingly at him.

“I was looking for Harry, please, sir;” and the boy bounded toward her, show-
ing his spoils, which he had gathered in the skirt of his robe.

“Well, take him away, then,” said Mr. Shelby; and hastily she withdrew, carry-
ing the child on her arm.

“By Jupiter,” said the trader, turning to him in admiration, “there’s an article,
now! You might make your fortune on that ar gal in Orleans, any day. I’ve seen
over a thousand, in my day, paid down for gals not a bit handsomer.”

“I don’t want to make my fortune on her,” said Mr. Shelby, dryly; and, seek-
ing to turn the conversation, he uncorked a bottle of fresh wine, and asked his
companion’s opinion of it.

“Capital, sir,- first chop!” said the trader; then turning, and slapping his hand
familiarly on Shelby’s shoulder, he added-

“Come, how will you trade about the gal?- what shall I say for her-what’ll
you take?”
<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe

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