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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
clear voice, accompanying his singing with many comic evolutions of the hands,
feet, and whole body, all in perfect time to the music.

“Bravo!” said Haley, throwing him a quarter of an orange.

“Now, Jim, walk like old Uncle Cudjoe, when he has the rheumatism,” said
his master.

Instantly the flexible limbs of the child assumed the appearance of deformity
and distortion, as, with his back humped up, and his master’s stick in his hand, he
hobbled about the room, his childish face drawn into a doleful pucker, and spit-
ting from right to left, in imitation of an old man.

Both gentlemen laughed uproariously.

“Now, Jim,” said his master, “show us how old Elder Robbins leads the
psalm.” The boy drew his chubby face down to a formidable length, and com-
menced toning a psalm tune through his nose, with imperturbable gravity.

“Hurrah! bravo! what a young ‘un!” said Haley; “that chap’s a case, I’ll prom-
ise. Tell you what,” said he, suddenly clapping his hand on Mr. Shelby’s shoulder,
“fling in that chap, and I’ll settle the business-I will. Come, now, if that ain’t do-
ing the thing up about the rightest!”

At this moment, the door was pushed gently open, and a young quadroon
woman, apparently about twenty-five, entered the room.

There needed only a glance from the child to her, to identify her as its mother.
There was the same rich, full, dark eye, with its long lashes; the same ripples of
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