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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
“I’ve got a gang of boys, sir,” said the long man, resuming his attack on the
fire-irons, “and I jest tells ‘em-‘Boys,’ says I,- ‘run now! dig! put! jest when ye
want to! I never shall come to look after you!’ That’s the way I keep mine. Let
‘em know they are free to run any time, and it jest breaks up their wanting to.
More’n all, I’ve got free papers for ‘em all recorded, in case I gets keeled up any
‘o these times, and they knows it; and I tell ye, stranger, there an’t a fellow in our
parts gets more out of his niggers than I do. Why, my boys have been to Cincin-
nati, with five hundred dollars’ worth of colts, and brought me back the money,
all straight, time and agin. It stands to reason they should. Treat ‘em like dogs,
and you’ll have dogs’ work and dogs’ actions. Treat ‘em like men, and you’ll
have men’s work.” And the honest drover, in his warmth, endorsed this moral sen-
timent by firing a perfect feu de joie at the fireplace.

“I think you’re altogether right, friend,” said Mr. Wilson; “and this boy de-
scribed here is a fine fellow-no mistake about that. He worked for me some half-
dozen years in my bagging factory, and he was my best hand, sir. He is an
ingenious fellow, too; he invented a machine for the cleaning of hemp-a really
valuable affair; it’s gone into use in several factories. His master holds the patent
of it.”

“I’ll warrant ye,” said the drover, “holds it and makes money out of it, and
then turns round and brands the boy in his right hand. If I had a fair chance, I’d
mark him, I reckon, so that he’d carry it one while.
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