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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
“Ran away from the subscriber, my mulatto boy, George. Said George six feet
in height, a very light mulatto, brown curly hair; is very intelligent, speaks hand-
somely, can read and write; will probably try to pass for a white man; is deeply
scarred on his back and shoulders; has been branded in his right hand with a letter

“I will give four hundred dollars for him alive, and the same sum for satisfac-
tory proof that he has been killed.”

The old gentleman read this advertisement from end to end, in a low voice, as
if he were studying it.

The long-legged veteran, who had been besieging the fire-iron, as before re-
lated, now took down his cumbrous length, and rearing aloft his tall form, walked
up to the advertisement, and very deliberately spit a full discharge of tobacco-
juice on it.

“There’s my mind upon that!” said he, briefly, and sat down again.

“Why, now, stranger, what’s that for?” said mine host.

“I’d do it all the same to the writer of that ar paper, if he was here,” said the
long man, coolly resuming his old employment of cutting tobacco. “Any man that
owns a boy like that, and can’t find any better way o’ treating on him, deserves to
lose him. Such papers as these is a shame to Kentucky; that’s my mind right out,
if anybody wants to know!”

“Well, now, that’s a fact,” said mine host, as he made an entry in his book.
<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe

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