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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
“I say, wife, she’ll have to get away from here, this very night. That fellow
will be down on the scent bright and early to-morrow morning; if ‘twas only the
woman, she could lie quiet till it was over; but that little chap can’t be kept still
by a troop of horse and foot, I’ll warrant me; he’ll bring it all out, popping his
head out of some window or door. A pretty kettle of fish it would be for me, too,
to be caught with them both here, just now! No; they’ll have to be got off to-

“To-night! How is it possible?- where to?”

“Well, I know pretty well where to,” said the senator, beginning to put on his
boots, with a reflective air; and, stopping when his leg was half in, he embraced
his knee with both hands, and seemed to go off in deep meditation.

“It’s a confounded awkward, ugly business,” said he, at last, beginning to tug
at his boots-straps again, “and that’s a fact!” After one boot was fairly on, the
senator sat with the other in his hand, profoundly studying the figure of the car-
pet. “It will have to be done, though, for aught I see,- hang it all!” and he drew
the other boot anxiously on, and looked out of the window.

Now, little Mrs. Bird was a discreet woman,- a woman who never in her life
said, “I told you so!” and, on the present occasion, though pretty well aware of
the shape her husband’s meditations were taking, she very prudently forbore to
meddle with them, only sat very quietly in her chair, and looked quite ready to
hear her liege lord’s intentions, when he should think proper to utter them.
<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe

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