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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
“Yes, but he belongs to another man. His master is real hard to him, and won’t
let him come to see me, hardly ever; and he’s grown harder and harder upon us,
and he threatens to sell him down south;- It’s like I’ll never see him again!”

The quiet tone in which the woman pronounced these words might have led a
superficial observer to think that she was entirely apathetic; but there was a calm,
settled depth of anguish in her large, dark eye, that spoke of something far other-

“And where do you mean to go, my poor woman?” said Mrs. Bird.

“To Canada, if I only knew where that was. Is it very far off, is Canada?” said
she, looking up, with a simple, confiding air, to Mrs. Bird’s face.

“Poor thing!” said Mrs. Bird, involuntarily.

“Is’t a very great way off, think?” said the woman, earnestly.

“Much further than you think, poor child!” said Mrs. Bird; “but we will try to
think what can be done for you. Here, Dinah, make her up a bed in your own
room, close by the kitchen, and I’ll think what to do for her in the morning. Mean-
while, never fear, poor woman; put your trust in God; he will protect you.”

Mrs. Bird and her husband re-entered the parlor. She sat down in her little
rocking-chair before the fire, swaying thoughtfully to and fro. Mr. Bird strode up
and down the room, grumbling to himself, “Pish! pshaw! confounded awkward
business!” At length, striding up to his wife, he said,
<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe

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