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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
Mr. and Mrs. Bird went into the kitchen, followed by the two eldest boys, the
smaller fry having, by this time, been safely disposed of in bed.

The woman was now sitting up on the settle, by the fire. She was looking
steadily into the blaze, with a calm, heartbroken expression, very different from
her former agitated wildness.

“Did you want me?” said Mrs. Bird, in gentle tones. “I hope you feel better
now, poor woman!”

A long-drawn, shivering sigh was the only answer; but she lifted her dark
eyes, and fixed them on her with such a forlorn and imploring expression, that the
tears came into the little woman’s eyes.

“You needn’t be afraid of anything; we are friends here, poor woman! Tell me
where you came from, and what you want,” said she.

“I came from Kentucky,” said the woman.

“When?” said Mr. Bird, taking up the interrogatory.


“How did you come?”

“I crossed on the ice.”

“Crossed on the ice!” said every one present.

“Yes,” said the woman, slowly, “I did. God helping me, I crossed on the ice;
for they were behind me-right behind-and there was no other way!”
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