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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
Mr. and Mrs. Bird had gone back to the parlor, where, strange as it may ap-
pear, no reference was made, on either side, to the preceding conversation; but
Mrs. Bird busied herself with her knitting-work, and Mr. Bird pretended to be
reading the paper.

“I wonder who and what she is!” said Mr. Bird, as last, as he laid it down.

“When she wakes up and feels a little rested, we will see,” said Mrs. Bird.

“I say, wife!” said Mr. Bird, after musing in silence over his newspaper.

“Well, dear?”

“She couldn’t wear one of your gowns, could she, by any letting down, or
such matter? She seems to be rather larger than you are.”

A quiet perceptible smile glimmered on Mrs. Bird’s face, as she answered,
“We’ll see.”

Another pause, and Mr. Bird again broke out,

“I say, wife!”

“Well! What now?”

“Why, there’s that old bombazine cloak, that you keep on purpose to put over
me when I take my afternoon’s nap; you might as well give her that,- she needs

At this instant, Dinah looked in to say that the woman was awake, and wanted
to see Missis.
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