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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Billy Budd by Herman Melville


Not many days after the last incident narrated, something befell
Billy Budd that more gravelled him than aught that had previously

It was a warm night for the latitude; and the Foretopman, whose
watch at the time was properly below, was dozing on the
uppermost deck whither he had ascended from his hot hammock,
one of hundreds suspended so closely wedged together over a
lower gun deck that there was little or no swing to them. He lay as
in the shadow of a hill-side, stretched under the lee of the booms, a
piled ridge of spare spars amidships between fore-mast and
mainmast and among which the ship’s largest boat, the launch,
was stowed. Alongside of three other slumberers from below, he
lay near that end of the booms which approaches the fore-mast; his
station aloft on duty as a foretopman being just over the
deckstation of the forecastlemen, entitling him according to usage
to make himself more or less at home in that neighbourhood.
Presently he was stirred into semi-consciousness by somebody,
who must have previously sounded the sleep of the others,
touching his shoulder, and then as the Foretopman raised his head,
breathing into his ear in a quick whisper, “Slip into the lee
forechains, Billy; there is something in the wind. Don’t speak.
Quick, I will meet you there”; and disappeared.

Now Billy like sundry other essentially good-natured ones had
some of the weaknesses inseparable from essential good-nature;
and among these was a reluc-
tance, almost an incapacity of plumply saying no to an abrupt
proposition not obviously absurd, on the face of it, nor obviously
unfriendly, nor iniquitous. And being of warm blood he had not
the phlegm tacitly to negative any proposition by unresponsive
inaction. Like his sense of fear, his apprehension as to aught
outside of the honest and natural was seldom very quick. Besides,
upon the present occasion, the drowse from his sleep still hung
upon him.

However it was, he mechanically rose, and sleepily wondering
what could be in the wind, betook himself to the designated place,
a narrow platform, one of six, outside of the high bulwarks and
screened by the great dead-eyes and multiple columned lanyards
of the shrouds and back-stays; and, in a great war-ship of that time,
of dimensions commensurate with the hull’s magnitude; a tarry
balcony, in short, overhanging the sea, and so secluded that one
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