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would make advances, never passing the old Agamemnon-man
without a salutation marked by that respect which is seldom lost
on the aged however crabbed at times or whatever their station in

There was a vein of dry humor, or what not, in the mast-man; and,
whether in freak of patriarchal irony touching Billy’s youth and
athletic frame, or for some other and more recondite reason, from
the first in addressing him he always substituted Baby for Billy.
The Dansker in fact being the originator of the name by which the
Foretopman eventually became known aboard ship.

Well then, in his mysterious little difficulty, going in quest of the
wrinkled one, Billy found him off duty in a dog-watch ruminating
by himself, seated on a shot-box of the upper gun deck, now and
then surveying with a somewhat cynical regard certain of the more
swaggering promenaders there. Billy recounted his trouble, again
wondering how it all happened. The salt seer attentively listened,
accompanying the Foretopman’s recital with queer twitchings of
his wrinkles and problematical little sparkles of his small ferret
eyes. Making an end of his story, the Foretopman asked, “And
now, Dansker, do tell me what you think of it.” The old man,
shoving up the front of his tarpaulin and deliberately rubbing the
long slant scar at the point where it entered the thin hair,
laconically said, “Baby Budd, Jimmy Legs” (meaning the Master-
at-arms) “is down on you.” “Jimmy Legs!” ejaculated Billy, his
welkin eyes expanding; “what for? Why he calls me the sweet and
pleasant fellow, they tell me.”

“Does he so?” grinned the grizzled one; then said, “Ay, Baby Lad,
a sweet voice has Jimmy Legs.” “No, not always. But to me he has.
I seldom pass him but there comes a pleasant word.” “And that’s
because he’s down upon you, Baby Budd.” Such reiteration along
with the manner of it, incomprehensible to a novice, disturbed
Billy almost as much as the mystery for which he had sought
explanation. Something less unpleasingly oracular he tried to
extract; but the old sea-Chiron, thinking perhaps that for the nonce
he had sufficiently instructed his young Achilles, pursed his lips,
gathered all his wrinkles together and would commit himself to
nothing further.

Years, and those experiences which befall certain shrewder men
subordinated life-long to the will of superiors, all this had
developed in the Dansker the pithy guarded cynicism that was his
leading characteristic.
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