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disqualify him for more active work had been recently assigned
duty as mainmastman in his watch, looking to the gear belayed at
the rail roundabout that great spar near the deck. At off-times the
Foretopman had picked up some acquaintance with him, and now
in his trouble it occurred to him that he might be the sort of person
to go to for wise counsel. He was an old Dansker long anglicized in
the service, of few words, many wrinkles and some honorable
scars. His wizened face, time-tinted and weather-stained to the
complexion of an antique parchment, was here and there peppered
blue by the chance explosion of a gun-cartridge in action. He was
an Agamemnon-man; some two years prior to the time of this story
having served under Nelson, when but Sir Horatio, in that ship
immortal in naval memory, and which, dismantled and in part
broken up to her bare ribs, is seen a grand skeleton in Haydon’s
etching. As one of a boarding-party from the Agamemnon he had
ceived a cut slantwise along one temple and cheek, leaving a long
scar like a streak of dawn’s light falling athwart the dark visage. It
was on account of that scar and the affair in which it was known
that he had received it, as well as from his blue-peppered
complexion, that the Dansker went among the Indomitable’s crew
by the name of “Board-her-in-the-smoke.” Now the first time that
his small weazel-eyes happened to light on Billy Budd, a certain
grim internal merriment set all his ancient wrinkles into antic play.
Was it that his eccentric unsentimental old sapience, primitive in its
kind, saw or thought it saw something which, in contrast with the
war-ship’s environment, looked oddly incongruous in the
Handsome Sailor? But after slyly studying him at intervals, the old
Merlin’s equivocal merriment was modified; for now when the
twain would meet, it would start in his face a quizzing sort of look,
but it would be but momentary and sometimes replaced by an
expression of speculative query as to what might eventually befall
a nature like that, dropped into a world not without some man-
traps and against whose subtleties simple courage, lacking
experience and address and without any touch of defensive
ugliness, is of little avail; and where such innocence as man is
capable of does yet in a moral emergency not always sharpen the
faculties or enlighten the will.

However it was, the Dansker in his ascetic way rather took to Billy.
Nor was this only because of a certain philosophic interest in such
a character. There was another cause. While the old man’s
eccentricities, sometimes bordering on the ursine, repelled the
juniors, Billy, undeterred thereby, revering him as a salt hero,
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