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Yes, the outbreak at the Nore was put down. But not every
grievance was redressed. If the contractors, for example, were no
longer permitted to ply some practices peculiar to their tribe
everywhere, such as providing shoddy cloth, rations not sound, or
false in the measure, not the less impressment, for one thing, went
on. By custom sanctioned for centuries, and judicially maintained
by a Lord Chancellor as late as Mansfield, that mode of manning
the fleet, a mode now fallen into a sort of abeyance but never
formally renounced, it was not practicable to give up in those
years. Its abrogation would have crippled the indispensable fleet,
one wholly under canvas, no steam-power, its innumerable sails
and thousands of cannon, everything in short, worked by muscle
alone; a fleet the more insatiate in demand for men, because then
multiplying its ships of all grades against contingencies present
and to come of the convulsed Continent.

Discontent foreran the Two Mutinies, and more or less it lurkingly
survived them. Hence it was not unreasonable to apprehend some
return of trouble, sporadic or general. One instance of such
apprehensions: In the same year with this story, Nelson, then Vice-
Admiral Sir Horatio, being with the fleet off the Spanish coast, was
directed by the Admiral in command to shift his pennant from the
Captain to the Theseus; and for this reason: that the latter ship
having newly arrived on the station from home where it had taken
part in the Great Mutiny, danger was apprehended from the
temper of the men; and it was thought that an officer like Nelson
was the one, not indeed to terrorize the crew into base subjection,
but to
win them, by force of his mere presence, back to an allegiance if
not as enthusiastic as his own, yet as true. So it was that for a time
on more than one quarter-deck anxiety did exist. At sea
precautionary vigilance was strained against relapse. At short
notice an engagement might come on. When it did, the lieutenants
assigned to batteries felt it incumbent on them, in some instances,
to stand with drawn swords behind the men working the guns.
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