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his mention is less a narration than a reference, having to do hardly
at all with details.

Nor are these readily to be found in the libraries. Like some other
events in every age befalling states everywhere, including
America, the Great Mutiny was of such character that national
pride along with views of policy would fain shade it off into the
historical background. Such events can not be ignored, but there is
a considerate way of historically treating them. If a well-
constituted individual refrains from blazoning aught amiss or
calamitous in his family, a nation in the like circumstance may
without reproach be equally discreet.

Though after parleyings between Government and the ringleaders,
and concessions by the former as to some glaring abuses, the first
uprising-that at Spitheadwith difficulty was put down, or matters
for the time pacified; yet at the Nore the unforeseen renewal of
insurrection on a yet larger scale, and emphasized in the
conferences that ensued by demands deemed by the authorities not
only inadmissible but aggressively insolent, indicated-if the Red
Flag did not sufficiently do sowhat was the spirit animating the
men. Final suppression, however, there was; but only made
possible perhaps by the unswerving loyalty of the marine corps
and voluntary resumption of loyalty among influential sections of
the crews.

To some extent the Nore Mutiny may be regarded as analogous to
the distempering irruption of contagious fever in a frame
constitutionally sound, and which anon throws it off.

At all events, of these thousands of mutineers were some of the tars
who not so very long afterwards-whether wholly prompted
thereto by patriotism, or pugnacious instinct, or by both,- helped to
win a coronet for Nelson at the Nile, and the naval crown of
crowns for him at Trafalgar. To the mutineers those battles, and
especially Trafalgar, were a plenary absolution and a grand one:
For all that goes to make up scenic naval display, heroic
magnificence in arms, those battles, especially Trafalgar, stand
unmatched in human annals.
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