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passing a casement, you glanced out at the thick-falling snow; you
listened to the sobbing wind, and again you paced gently on and
dreamed. I think those day visions were not dark: there was a
pleasurable illumination in your eye occasionally, a soft excitement
in your aspect, which told of no bitter, bilious, hypochondriac
brooding: your look revealed rather the sweet musings of youth
when its spirit follows on willing wings the flight of Hope up and
on to an ideal heaven. The voice of Mrs. Fairfax, speaking to a
servant in the hall, wakened you: and how curiously you smiled to
and at yourself, Janet! There was much sense in your smile: it was
very shrewd, and seemed to make light of your own abstraction. It
seemed to say-“My fine visions are all very well, but I must not
forget they are absolutely unreal. I have a rosy sky and a green
flowery Eden in my brain; but without, I am perfectly aware, lies at
my feet a rough tract to travel, and around me gather black
tempests to encounter.” You ran downstairs and demanded of Mrs.
Fairfax some occupation: the weekly house accounts to make up, or
something of that sort, I think it was. I was vexed with you for
getting out of my sight.

‘Impatiently I waited for evening, when I might summon you to
my presence.

An unusual-to me-a perfectly new character I suspected was
yours: I desired to search it deeper and know it better. You entered
the room with a look and air at once shy and independent: you
were quaintly dressed-much as you are now. I made you talk: ere
long I found you full of strange contrasts. Your garb and manner
were restricted by rule; your air was often diffident, and altogether
that of one refined by nature, but absolutely unused to society, and
a good deal afraid of making herself disadvantageously
conspicuous by some solecism or blunder; yet when addressed,
you lifted a keen, a daring, and a glowing eye to your
interlocutor’s face: there was penetration and power in each glance
you gave; when plied by close questions, you found ready and
round answers. Very soon you seemed to get used to me: I believe
you felt the existence of sympathy between you and your grim and
cross master, Jane; for it was astonishing to see how quickly a
certain pleasant ease tranquillised your manner: snarl as I would,
you showed no surprise, fear, annoyance, or displeasure at my
moroseness; you watched me, and now and then smiled at me with
a simple yet sagacious grace I cannot describe. I was at once
content and stimulated with what I saw: I liked what I had seen,
and wished to see more. Yet, for a long time, I treated you
distantly, and sought your company rarely. I was an intellectual
epicure, and wished to prolong the gratification of making this
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