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far to forget myself and all the teaching that had ever been instilled
into me, as-under any pretext-with any justification-through any
temptation-to become the successor of these poor girls, he would
one day regard me with the same feeling which now in his mind
desecrated their memory. I did not give utterance to this
conviction: it was enough to feel it. I impressed it on my heart, that
it might remain there to serve me as aid in the time of trial.

‘Now, Jane, why don’t you say “Well, sir?” I have not done. You
are looking grave. You disapprove of me still, I see. But let me
come to the point. Last January, rid of all mistresses-in a harsh,
bitter frame of mind, the result of a useless, roving, lonely life-
corroded with disappointment, sourly disposed against all men,
and especially against all womankind (for I began to regard the
notion of an intellectual, faithful, loving woman as a mere dream),
recalled by business, I came back to England.

‘On a frosty winter afternoon, I rode in sight of Thornfield Hall.
Abhorred spot! I expected no peace-no pleasure there. On a stile in
Hay Lane I saw a quiet little figure sitting by itself. I passed it as
negligently as I did the pollard willow opposite to it: I had no
presentiment of what it would be to me; no inward warning that
the arbitress of my life-my genius for good or evil-waited there in
humble guise. I did not know it, even when, on the occasion of
Mesrour’s accident, it came up and gravely offered me help.
Childish and slender creature! It seemed as if a linnet had hopped
to my foot and proposed to bear me on its tiny wing. I was surly;
but the thing would not go: it stood by me with strange
perseverance, and looked and spoke with a sort of authority. I
must be aided, and by that hand: and aided I was.

‘When once I had pressed the frail shoulder, something new-a
fresh sap and sense-stole into my frame. It was well I had learnt
that this elf must return to methat it belonged to my house down
below-or I could not have felt it pass away from under my hand,
and seen it vanish behind the dim hedge, without singular regret. I
heard you come home that night, Jane, though probably you were
not aware that I thought of you or watched for you. The next day I
observed you-myself unseen-for half an hour, while you played
with Adele in the gallery. It was a snowy day, I recollect, and you
could not go out of doors. I was in my room; the door was ajar: I
could both listen and watch. Adele claimed your outward attention
for a while; yet I fancied your thoughts were elsewhere: but you
were very patient with her, my little Jane; you talked to her and
amused her a long time.

When at last she left you, you lapsed at once into deep reverie: you
betook yourself slowly to pace the gallery. Now and then, in
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