To Kill a Mockingbird
Harper Lee
_____ 1. A man who will not associate with blacks but defends Atticus is -
A. B. B. Underwood
B. Walter Cunningham
C. Dolphus Raymond
_____ 2. The presence of Jem and Scout at the jail -
A. convinces Heck Tate of the need for a fair trial
B. diverts the lynch mob from its purpose
C. inadvertently endangers Atticus' life
_____ 3. An important insight into the characters of Jem and Scout is seen when they -
A. sit in the black section of the courtroom
B. ask their father's forgiveness for their prejudice
C. challenge their bigoted teacher in defense of Atticus
_____ 4. Part of the successful defense of Tom Robinson hinges on -
I. his abnormal left hand
II. the perjury of the eyewitness
III. Atticus' skillful questioning of Bob Ewell
A. I and II only
B. I and III only
C. II and III only
_____ 5. In the eyes of some blacks, Tom's fault was that he -
A. tried to cross the color barrier
B. showed pity for a white woman
C. upset the black-white balance in Maycomb
_____ 6. A despicable technique that the prosecutor employed was -
A. sarcasm about Atticus' motives
B. repeated references to Tom as "boy"
C. withholding evidence that would have cleared Robinson
_____ 7. The black community's appreciation of Atticus was shown when it
I. stood as he exited from the courthouse
II. burned Ewell's house
III. brought food to the Finch household
A. I and II only
B. I and III only
C. I, II, and III
_____ 8. Atticus and Alexandra differed in their definition of -
A. courage
B. trash
C. responsibility
_____ 9. In thirty of the thirty-one chapters,
A. the mockingbird theme is repeated
B. Scout is on the scene
C. Harper Lee injects comic relief
_____ 10. "Equal rights for all, special privileges for none" is Scout's definition of -
A. the ideal society of the twenty-first century
B. the South's code of honor
C. democracy
11. How does our understanding of Atticus Finch increase as the novel progresses?
12. What does To Kill a Mockingbird have to say about the nature of justice? -
13. How does Scout's attitude toward superstition change over the course of the story?
Discuss. -
14. Explain the meaning of the mockingbird mentioned in the title of the novel. -
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