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| NATAL (na-TALL) - An eastern province of South Africa lying between the Drakensberg Mountains and the Indian Ocean. NATIONALIST - Member of an Afrikaner-dominated political party that favors racial segregation. NATIVE, NATIVE AFRICAN - A black African. NDOTSHENI (in-dot-SHAY-nee) - A Zulu village in Natal. NIKOSI SIKELEL' IAFRICA (in-KO-see see-gay-LELL ee-AH-frekah) - Slogan and song, "God Save Africa." NON-EUROPEANS - Nonwhites: Asians, Coloureds, and blacks. ODENDAALSRUST (oh-den-dolls-ROOST) - Site of an April 1946 gold strike in the Orange Free State. ORANGE FREE STATE - A province of South Africa bounded by the Orange and Vaal rivers. At one time it was an independent Boer republic. ORLANDO - A Johannesburg district adjacent to Shanty Town. PETROL STATION - Gasoline station.
PIETERMARITZBURG (pe-ter-MAR-itz-burg) - Capital of the province of Natal. PIMVILLE - A black district of Johannesburg with dwellings made of storage tanks cut in half. Originally intended as emergency housing only. POUNDS, SHILLINGS, PENCE - South African currency before 1961. One pound contained 20 shillings or 240 pence (pennies) . At 1946 exchange rates, 1 South African pound was equivalent to $4.03 in U.S. dollars, 1 shilling equivalent to 20 cents, and 1 penny equivalent to 1.6 cent. PRETORIA - Capital of Transvaal. In Cry, the Beloved Country, "Going to Pretoria" means going to be executed. SHANTY TOWN - A Johannesburg slum built up overnight out of scraps by black people desperate for housing. SIYAFA (see-YAW-fa) - A fatalistic expression, "We die." SOPHIATOWN (so-FEE-a-town) - A mixed-race district of Johannesburg where blacks could own property. TITIHOYA (tit-ee-HOY-a) - A bird similar to a plover. The name imitates the sound the bird makes. TIXO (TEE-ko) - Xhosa for Great Spirit, God. TRANSVAAL (trahns-VALL) - A northeastern province of South Africa, at one time an independent Boer republic. UMFUNDISI (oom-FOON-dees) - A Zulu title of respect. UMKOMAAS (oom-KO-mahs) - A river and valley in Natal. UMNUMZANA (oom-NOOM-zahn) - Zulu for Sir. UMZIMKULU (oom-zim-KOO-loo) - A river and valley in Natal. USMITH, UJARVIS - Zulu equivalents of Mr. Smith, Mr. Jarvis. VELD, VELDT (FELT) - Grassland with scattered shrubs or trees. The Veldt means the great central plateau on which Johannesburg is located. XHOSA, XOSA (KO-sa) - A Bantu-speaking people of eastern and central South Africa. ZULU - A Bantu-speaking people of the Natal area. |