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The royal palaces at St. Cloud, Fountainbleau and Rambouillet were renovated and refurnished which enhanced the grandeur and splendor of the state. Paris could now boast of spectacular Boulevards and the Louvre having the rare specimens of prodigious works of art. Soon the metropolis became a fashionable center for the people to see.

The population of Paris doubled. The government tried to provide employment to the jobless people of France. Napoleon got interested in this project. Once he declared:

"There are many out of work - shoe-makers, hatters, tailors and saddlers. See to it that five hundred pairs of shoes are made every day ... We must produce work ... Get on with the cutting of the Qureq canal, with construction of the Quai Desaix and the paving of the back streets."

3.6b Foreign Policy of Napoleon

Napoleon had to wage many wars to achieve military eminence. Many Frenchmen were sacrificed at the altar of these wars, and, in this regard, Napoleon transcended all limits of atrocity. He considered the good of France and left no stone unturned to realize this ideal. It was for this that his enemies decried him as a barbarian, tyrannical destroyer and an ambitious ruler. The Napoleonic empire had reached the climax of its glory during 1804-1811. After this one saw it decline.

"He wanted to make France a La Grande Nation of Europe and for this a spirited and a vigorous foreign policy of constant militarism was very essential," says Hazen. Napoleon was a born soldier. Owing to his military skill he made a name for himself. He earned widespread popularity in the world. His ambitions knew no bounds. Hence it became imperative on his part to have a dynamic foreign policy - a policy which might add to his greatness. He strongly felt that his countrymen desired international glory and military successes. It led him to pledge the reorganization of the revolutionary trends and strengthen the power, and for this it was absolutely necessary for him to adopt militarism.

Continental System and War with England

The continental system is one of the important aspects of his foreign policy. He wanted to defeat the English - a nation of traders. He established toll barriers in France and her tributary States with a view to levying heavy duties on British goods which diminished their trade. England could never have dreamt of this kind of maltreatment on the part of Napoleon after signing the Treaty of Amines. When Napoleon looked determined in his resolve against British interest, England broke the terms of the Treaty. Even after this Napoleon did not change his policy. He was bent upon boosting French trade after destroying the trade and commerce of England. Therefore, he established the Continental System and compelled the European nations to accept it, but Napoleon was not successful in his efforts. This plan became a prominent factor in his downfall.

Now England was the only powerful country against which he had to direct his armies. Napoleon persuaded the Czar of Russia into organizing Armed Neutrality consisting of countries like Russia, Prussia, Sweden and Denmark. The purpose was to prevent England from making searches, an obnoxious practice in their ports. The English while making searches would forfeit the goods of other countries. The English General had destroyed the naval power of Denmark by bombarding Copenhagen. This tore the Armed Neutrality into shreds.


3.0 - Introduction
3.1 The Seven Years' War
3.2 Catherine the Great
3.3 The Industrial Revolution
3.4 The French Revolution
3.5 France as a Republic (1795 - 1799)
3.6 Napolean Bonaparte
3.7 Points to Remember

Chapter 4

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