Michaelangelo’s famous representation of the Creation of Man
Leonardo da Vinci |
Mona Lisa
Exhibit 1.3
The works of Michaelangelo and Vinci and a painting of Leonardo
da Vinci
iv. Popularity of Vernacular Literature
Latin was the language of scholars in the 'Middle Ages.' It was not easily intelligible to the masses. The common people required a simple medium for understanding higher knowledge. This resulted in the growth of a national vernacular literature all over Europe. A big boost was thus given to the popularization of vernacular literature. The modern theology of scholars was now made available to the common masses.
Dante                   Machiavelli
Exhibit 1.4
Renowned Italians of the Renaissance times
The Italians, Dante, Petrarch, Boccaccio
etc. were the great poets and writers of this age. They produced
immortal works that continue to influence writers today. Italy was
the first nation to produce great men of letters. In England it
was Chaucer who worked hard to make 'standard English.' Martin
Luther, in Germany, translated the Bible into German and drafted
his own views in the German language. In France, Rabelais
enriched the vernacular literature.
v. Scientific Growth and Development
Science took long strides in the new age, as people now accepted as true only that which seemed was logical. As they came in contact with Arabs, they learnt modern mathematics and chemistry. Newton formulated his theory of Gravitation. Scientists and the intelligentsia laid the foundation of natural and experimental science. Besides, traditional beliefs upheld by the Church about various natural phenomena were also shattered. The belief that the Earth is the Center of the Solar System was demolished. Copernicus scientifically proved that the Earth, instead of being the center, is a planet revolving round the Sun. Galileo popularized this theory of Kepler.
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