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PinkMonkey Online Study Guide-Biology

In lungs, exchange of gases between inspired air and the bloodstream takes place through the internal lining of alveoli due to different concentration gradients and the enzyme carbonic anhydrase, and air in the lungs soon becomes saturated with carbon dioxide.

Expiration: Expiration is an automatic or passive process. During expiration, the intercostal muscles and the muscles of the diaphragm relax as a result of which the ribs fall, the sternum sinks and the diaphragm is arched upwards. This reduces the volume of the cavity of the thorax, and as a result, air is expelled from the lungs. This outflow of air is called expiration. During expiration, however, all air is not expelled from the lungs, but some residual air is always left in the alveoli.

Figure 17.8 Alveolus and terminal bronchiole

Amount of air breathed in and breathed out

(1) Tidal air: It is the amount of air breathed in and breathed out during restful breathing. It is about 500 ml.

(2) Reserve air: It is the amount of air which remains in air passages after expiration . It is about 150 ml.

(3) Residual air: It is the amount of air which remains in the alveoli after forced maximal expiration.

Exchange of gases

The physiology of respiration involves exchange of gases in lungs and tissues and their transport from lungs to the tissues and vice versa. Exchange of gases takes place by diffusion mainly based on concentration gradient.

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Table of Contents

17.0 - Introduction
17.1 - Gaseous Exchange and Transport

Chapter 18


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