The human respiratory system consists of two
(A) Respiratory pathway and
(B) Respiratory organs (lungs).
(A) Respiratory pathway includes nasal cavities
pharynx, larynx and trachea.
(i) Nasal cavities are a pair of cavities
in the nose, separated by a vertical cartilaginous septum and lined
by ciliated mucous membrane. While passing through these cavities
air is filtered, moistened and warmed. The nasal cavities open posteriorly
into the pharynx.
(ii) Pharynx serves as a common passage
for the transport of air to the larynx, and food from the mouth
to the esophagus.
(iii) Larynx (commonly known as "Adam’s
apple") is situated in the neck just at the start of the trachea.
It is guarded against the entry of food particles by a flap-like
valve called the epiglottis. The larynx contains the vocal
cords hence it also serves as the organ of phonation
(i.e. producing sound).