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PinkMonkey Online Study Guide-Biology

(ii) Chymotrypsin: It is an activated form of enzyme formed by the action of trypsin on inactive chymotrypsinogen.

(iii) Amylopsin: It is a pancreatic amylase which acts on starch and complex sugars as follows:

(iv) Steapsin: It is a pancreatic lipase acting on emulsified fats as follows:

(C) Action of Intestinal juice (saccus entericus): It contains the enzyme erepsin which is mainly a group of peptidases. It also contains traces of maltase, sucrase, lactase and lipase.

(i) Peptidases are the intestinal proteases acting on peptides as follows:

(ii) Maltase is an intestinal amylase, acting as follows:

(iii) Sucrase acts on cane sugar as follows:

(iv) Lactase acts on the milk sugar lactose, as follows:

(v) Lipase acts on emulsified fats as follows:

By this time, the food is completely digested and converted into a liquid form called chyle which is further subjected to absorption in the small intestine.

The large intestine has no digestive function. It absorbs water from the undigested matter. which is further acted upon by bacteria which live permanently in the colon of the large intestine as symbionts. An appreciable quantity of vitamins is obtained due to activities of these bacteria. The rectum absorbs these vitamins and water, and then drives out the solid residue or feces through the anus. This process is called egestion.

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Table of Contents

16.0 - Introduction
16.1 - Nutritional Requirements, Imbalances and Deficiency Diseases
16.2 - Organs of Digestion and Physiology of Digestion

Chapter 17


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