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Figure 16.13 Transverse section of the pancreas

Action of Saliva: Saliva contains mucin and ptyalin. Mucin lubricates food while ptyalin or salivary amylase converts starch into simpler soluble sugar called maltose.

Digestion in stomach : Here food is received, stored, churned and mixed with gastric juice. The secretion of gastric juices is promoted by the hormone called gastrin. The gastric juice contains 0.5% of hydrochloric acid, pepsinogen and renin (more active in infants).

(i) Hydrochloric acid kills bacteria, dissolves mineral salts, decalcifies bones, provides an acidic medium for digestion and activates pepsinogen to pepsin.

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Table of Contents

16.0 - Introduction
16.1 - Nutritional Requirements, Imbalances and Deficiency Diseases
16.2 - Organs of Digestion and Physiology of Digestion

Chapter 17


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