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Fig. 15.15 Schematic representation of life cycle of Cycas


Gymnosperms are the Phanerogams (Spermatophyta) with naked seeds. These are vascular plants without vessels in the xylem. Cycas is one of the common members of this group, with a small palm shaped tree. Plants are heterosporous and strictly dioecious. Microsporophylls are aggregated into a compact male cone but megasporophylls do not form a female cone. Gametophytes are highly reduced. Male gametes are large, top-shaped and multiflagellate. Ovules are naked, large and contain female gametophyte (i.e. the endosperm). Formed before fertilization. Pollination is anemophilous and direct (i.e. pollen grains are deposited inside the ovule). Fertilization is siphonogamous (male gametes carried through pollen tube). The seed is naked, endospermous and with a dicot embryo.


Table of Contents

15.0 - Introduction
15.1 Pteridophyta : General Account
15.2 Gymnosperms
15.3 Angiosperms : Dicotyledons
15.4 Angiosperms : Monocotyledons
15.5 Vascularization
15.6 Development of seed habit
15.7 Development of Flower and Fruit

Chapter 16


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