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PinkMonkey Online Study Guide-Biology

The protozoans fall into following four groups:

1. Sarcodina : They have no definite shape, move by pseudopodia and reproduce by binary fission.

Example: Entamoeba : These are ameba-like animals with one or two pseudopodia, single nucleus but no contractile vacuole. It includes a number of species which are parasitic. The best known is Entamoeba histolytica, which causes amebic dysentery.

2. Mastigophora or flagellata : They move by one or two whip-like structures called flagella and reproduce by longitudinal binary fission.

Example : Euglena : It is a fresh water protozoon with spindle-shaped body and a single flagellum. It shows cytostome and cytopharynx, but like plant, it also possesses chloroplasts.

3. Ciliophora : They have definite shape, move by cilia and mostly possess two nuclei.

Example : Paramecium: A fresh water protozoon with definite shape like the sole of a slipper. Locomotion takes place by cilia. The animal has usually two nuclei and two contractile vacuoles. It reproduces by simple type of sexual reproduction called conjugation.

4. Sporozoa : These are parasitic forms. The locomotory organelles, food vacuoles and contractile vacuoles are absent.

Example: Plasmodium: An intracellular blood parasite causing malaria. The life cycle is completed in two hosts, namely man and mosquito.

Economic importance: Most of the protozoa are harmless but there are a few parasitic forms, such as Plasmodium, which causes malarial fever, Trypanosoma which develops sleeping sickness, and Entamoeba histolytica which causes dysentery. Protozoa are useful in sewage disposal.

Symbiotic forms of Protista

These are the organisms of different species which live in intimate relationship for mutual benefit. Some symbiotic forms are described below:

Examples are lichen, and Trichonympha in the intestine of termites..

1. Lichen : It is an obligatory association between, and plant, which together form a closely integrated unit called a lichen. The body of the lichen is composed of branching hyphae of the fungus which harbor algal cells. The fungus gets food synthesized by the alga while the alga in return gets shelter, moisture and minerals from the fungal partner.

Figure 14.25 Diagram of a Lichen

Economic importance : Lichens are used as food by human beings. They are also used in medicine, as dye stuffs for tanning hide into leather, etc. some like Usnea, are responsible for skin diseases, respiratory allergy etc.

2. Root tubercles : An obligatory association between plants and microbes, i.e. leguminous plant and the bacteria called Rhizobium. The latter are nitrogen fixing bacteria living in the root modules of leguminous plants like pea, bean, etc. Rhizobium fixes free nitrogen in the form of nitrates and makes it available to the plant and in return gets food and shelter from the latter.

Table of Contents

14.0 Introduction
14.1 Kingdom : Monera
14.2 Kingdom : Protista
14.3 Kingdom : Plantae
14.4 Kingdom : Fungi

Chapter 15


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