1951 - First electricity generated by nuclear energy.
1955 - Nautilus first Nuclear power
submarine is built in US.
1963 - First Mini computer is built
by digital equipment.
1970 - Boeing 747 which carried five
hundred passengers enters into service.
1970-71 - The Intel 4004 The first microprocessor
1972 - The CAT scan used to produce
an image of the human brain.
1974 - The CLIP4 the first computer
with parallel architecture, developed by John
Backus at IBM.
1975 - The Altair 8800 the first PC
or microcomputer is launched.
1976 - Har Gobind Khorana and team constructed
the first artificial Gene to function naturally
when inserted into a bacterial cell.
1978 - The world’s first test-tube baby
is born in the UK.
Compact discs were first demonstrated.
1980 - AIDS is first recognized in the
1981 - IBM launched the IBM PC.
1983 - The virus responsible for AIDS
is identified independently at the Pasteur Institute
and at the National Cancer Institute.
1984 - Apple launched the MACINTOSH