PinkMonkey Online Study Guide-World History
14. 2 The Washington Conference
One of the major achievements of the Hardinge foreign
policy was the attempt to reduce armaments. The Washington conference
opened on November 12, 1921 under the chairmanship of Hughes, the
Secretary of State. The conference was summoned to address the questions
of the Pacific and of the Far East, along with issue of disarmament.
Nine countries attended this conference: the U.S.,
Britain, France, Italy, Holland, Portugal, Belgium, China and Japan.
At the inaugural address, Hughes declared that the only way to disarm
was to disarm and the right time for it was to begin at once and
not in the distant future. He went on to present a program of reducing
the naval strength of the major powers. All excess naval tonnage
was to be scrapped and no new ships were to be constructed for the
next ten years.
After a lot of deliberation and bargaining, 5 powers
i.e. the U.S., Britain, France, Italy and Japan agreed to limit
their naval strength in capital ships to the ratios 5:5:3:1.7:1.7.
In other words, the Treaty left the U.S. and Great Britain with
15 ships, each of 525,000 tons, while Japan was left with 9 ships
of 175,000 tons each, and France and Italy could build ships upto
175,000 tons each. Further, the total tonnage of aircraft carriers
was also limited. This naval agreement made it virtually impossible
for any one of the 3 major naval powers to fight a war in the Pacific
In this historic conference, 2 more significant
treaties were signed. One of them was signed by the four powers
the U.S., Great Britain, France and Japan. This was called the Four-Power
Treaty. By this Treaty, the four powers agreed to respect their
mutual rights in their insular possessions in the Pacific. The 4
signatories agreed to consult each other in case these possessions
were threatened.
The Four-Power Treaty put an end to the Anglo-Japanese
Though the achievements of the Washington conference
were widely applauded, the conference had several limitations. Chief
among them was that no agreement was reached about smaller ships.
Thus, the door was wide open for unrestricted construction of small
14.0 - Introduction
14.1 Republican Ascendancy and World Politics
14.2 The Washington Conference
14.3 Republicanism at Home
14.4 Panic of 1929
14.5 Causes
14.6 Methods to alleviate the effects of Depression
14.7 The Effects of the New Deal
14.8 Impact of Great Depression
14.9 Dates & Events
14.10 Points to Remember
Chapter 15