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Find the period, phase shift and the location of the asymptotes for the function y = 1/3 sec (p/2 + p/4).


i) The period of the function is

ii) The phase shift is |c/b| = = 1/2 > 0 \ phase shift is to the left.

iii) The asymptotes are obtained as,

bx + c = 0     .....(i)    bx + c = 2p    .....(ii)


State the amplitude, period and phase shift (if non zero). Also draw graphs of
y = -3 sin (1/2x + 1) and y = -3 sin (1/2x + 1) + 4

Solution : y = -3 sin (1/2x + 1)

Note : On comparing with y = a sin (bx + c) we get a = -3, b = 1/2 and c = 1 and -3 sin (1/2x + 1) = -3 sin 1/2 (x + 2). Thus the amplitude is |a| = 3, period = = 4p
and phase shift is |c/b| = = 2

Graphs of y = -3 sin (1/2x + 1) and y = -3 sin (1/2x + 1) + 4 on translating the graph 4 units upward we get the graph of y = -3 sin (1/2 x + 1) + 4


5. 1 Circular function
5. 2 Periodic function
5. 3 Even & Odd
5.4 Graphs of Trigonometric Functions Supplementary Problems

Chapter 6

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