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Residual :  

The vertical distance (deviation) between a pre-assigned value of y and its actual value.

Sample :  

A finite set of objects, drawn from the population with the aim that it represents the population.

Sampling Distribution :  

The distribution obtained by computing a statistic for a large number of sample drawn from the same sample population.

Scatter Diagram :  

If a graphic display used to explain the degree of correlation between two variables, by the means of points or dots.

Skewed :  

A distribution displayed at one end of the scale with its tail strung out at the other end.

Standard - Deviation :  

It is the square root of the arithmetic mean of the square of deviations of various values from their arithmetic mean.

Standard error :  

A measure of variation in random of a statistic standardize the conversion into a z-score.

Statistical Significance :  

The probability of obtaining a given result by chance.

Sample space :  

The totality of all outcomes as a result of a random experiment.

Statistic :  

It is a branch of mathematics that describes the aggregate of facts, affected to a marked extent by multiplicity of causes, numerically expressed, in numerated as estimated according to reasonable standard accuracy, collected in a systematic manner for a pre-determined purpose and placed in a relationship to each other.

Symmetric :  

A shape in which one side is the mirror image of other.

Systematic Error :  

The consistency in under-estimating or over-estimating a true value.

T- Distribution :  

A probability distribution used when the standard deviation of the population is unknown and the sample size is small.

Test statistic :  

A computed statistic value used to decide a hypothesis test.

Two-Tail-Test :  

A state of predictions that indicate whether the two values are equal or not equal.

Type-I-Error ( a Error ) :  

Rejecting a null-hypothesis when it is true.


Table - A :Area under standard normal Curve
Table - B :Values of Chi-Square
Table - C :Values of modit

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