In oldest and the greatest civilization was built in Egypt and was founded
(A) in about 3000 B.C.
(B) in about 1000 B.C.
(C) after 1000 A.D.
(D) in about 725 B.C.
(E) in 625 B.C.
Besides religion and culture, the Arabs brought into northern Africa
(A) cloth
(B) wheat
(C) gold and ivory
(D) black slaves
(E) water
The important area where the Greeks and some other invaders built colonies was
(A) African Mediterranean coast.
(B) the African continent.
(C) west - central Africa.
(D) the Nile valley.
(E) south of Egypt.
What lasted for a thousand years ?
(A) The African continent
(B) The Roman Empire
(C) The Muslim influence
(D) The Kushite civilization
(E) The Arab invasion
Except Ethiopia and Liberia, the whole of Africa was
(A) under European rule.
(B) conquered by the Arabs.
(C) converted to Islam.
(D) converted to Christianity.
(E) divided among the colonizers.
The fate of the black slaves who were captured was
(A) death.
(B) to be sold off to rich blacks.
(C) to be shipped off and sold in the Americas.
(D) imprisonment.
(E) to be made to work without food.
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