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  1. wt ¹ 0

    w4 t4 = w4 t4

    = (-w2 t2 )2

    Ans : C

  2. The number of candies in the bag is not given.
    Therefore the relationship cannot be determined.

    Ans : D

  3. Quadrilateral XYOW is not a cyclic quadrilateral since vertex 'O' is the center of the circle. Hence the relationship cannot be determined.

    Ans : D

  4. If any number between 0 and 1 is squared it can never exceed 1.
    y2 < 1

    Ans : B

  5. Let P be an intersection point of LM and HK.
    D KPM,
    \ m Ð KPM + k + m = 180 ......(1) [Sum of the measures of angles of a triangle]

    Similarly, D LPH,
    m Ð LPH + h + l = 180 ......(2) [Sum of the measures of angles of a triangle]

    From (1) and (2),
    m Ð KPM + k + m = m Ð LPH + h + l
    But Ð KPM @ Ð LPH [Vertically opposite angles]
    \ m Ð KPM = m Ð LPH

    Using the cancellation property of equality, we get
    k + m = h +

    Ans : C

  6. Area of the parallelogram JKLM will be less than 12 because mÐ JML is less than 90.
    12 > Area of parallelogram.

    Ans : A

  7. Assuming the least positive value of b i.e. b = 1
    The given expression

    [next page]



Drill :

Section 1 : Verbal Reasoning
Section 2 : Mathematical Reasoning
Section 3 : Verbal Reasoning
Section 4 : Mathematical Reasoning
Section 5 : Reading Comprehension
Section 6 : Mathematical Reasoning
Section 7 : Verbal Reasoning

Answer Explanation To The Drill
Section 1 : Verbal Reasoning
Section 2 : Mathematical Reasoning
Section 3 : Verbal Reasoning
Section 4 : Mathematical Reasoning
Section 5 : Reading Comprehension
Section 6 : Mathematical Reasoning
Section 7 : Verbal Reasoning

Test 1

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