Destructive Interference
Waves from the two sources as before arrive simultaneously
but with the crest (trough) of one superposed on trough (crest)
of the other. Then according to the superposition principle the
resultant amplitude is zero, hence the intensity will be zero. The
point on the screen where this occurs will be dark. This type of
interference is called destructive interference.
The condition for destructive interference is that
the optical path difference 'D' should be odd integral multiple
of half the wave length, (see figure.2).
i.e. D = (2K
+ 1) l/2 : K = 0, 1, 2, 3,

Figure 2
Note :1) S1 & S2 are
the "Sources" of light
2) Air is the medium through which waves travel from S1
& S2 to P
3) Optical path difference in air = S2P - S1P
4) If in the path of light, an object like a glass plate of width
'd' and refractive index, m is interposed, then the optical path
would be augumented by factor d ( m - 1 )

Figure 3
[next page]
18.1 Interference of light
18.2 Diffraction of Light
18.3 Polarization of light