Experts in the field of forestry are now questioning the policy of attempting to extinguish all forest fires instead of allowing them to run their course and die out on their own. The study of forest fires indicates that in the long run, forest fires may in fact, be beneficial to the ecology as a whole.
Among the following, which statement would logically follow from one of the ’observations’ referred to in the passage above ?
(A) Most of the forest fires are causes due to natural reasons like lightning rather than as a result of human carelessness.
(B) Every year the number of people dying as they attempt to fight forest fires is greater than the number of people who would have died or suffered injury if the fires were allowed to run their own course.
(C) Accumulation of highly flammable dead brushwood and timber, which could lead to massive uncontrollable fires is prevented by frequent small forest fires.
(D) The animal and plant life destroyed by forest fires seldom represents endangered species.
(E) Studies indicate that forest fires regularly occurred in the times prior to human occupation of forest areas.
There is a theory that the dinosaurs inhabiting the earth were destroyed when a huge heavenly body hit the earth. The impact of the heavenly body when it struck the earth threw a mass of pulverized debris into the atmosphere. This dust created a fog, which blocked the sunlight depleting plant life. This resulted in the perishing of the plant-eating dinosaurs; the meat-eating dinosaurs, who preyed on the plant-eaters inturn starved to death.
Which among the following statements, would best support the above mentioned theory, if true?
(A) Enough dust has been sent into the atmosphere by modern volcanic explosions to change the color of sunsets around the world for several years.
(B) Craters formed by heavenly bodies are plentiful in several areas of the South west where many dinosaur fossils have also been found.
(C) Studies conducted recently on the bone structure of dinosaurs show that they were very agile and not ponderous awkward animals as popularly believed.
(D) The sedimentary rock strata of the earth formed from atmospheric dust at the time the dinosaurs disappeared contains minerals and other trace elements in proportions characteristic of the heavenly bodies.
(E) Many meat-and plant-eating species of mammals who coexisted with the dinosaurs continue to exist today, although with a slightly modified appearance.
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Test 1
Section 1 : Verbal Section
Section 2 : Quantitative Section
Section 3 : Analytical Section
Section 4 : Quantitative Section
Section 5 : Verbal Section
Section 6 : Analytical Section
Section 7 : Verbal Section
Answer Key To Test 1
Answer Explanation To Test 1
Section 1 : Verbal Section
Section 2 : Quantitative Section
Section 3 : Analytical Section
Section 4 : Quantitative Section
Section 5 : Verbal Section
Section 6 : Analytical Section
Section 7 : Verbal Section