11. 4 Truman’s Civil Rights Program
In 1946 the President set up a committee on Civil
Rights to investigate and make recommendations on the subject. At
the end of 1947, the committee issued the historic Report on Civil
Rights: "To secure these Rights." Here, the committee
gave a series of suggestions. The salient features of this
report were :
- reorganization and strengthening of Civil Rights section in
the Justice Department.
- establishment of federal and state permanent commissions on
Civil Rights so as to maintain constant surveillance on it.
- federal and state laws to be enacted to end Jim Crow laws and
other forms of racial segregation.
- to enact federal legislation making police brutality, lynching
and all forms of peonage illegal.
- to withhold federal grants-in-aid from public and private agencies
that practice discrimination and segregation.
The Civil Rights proposals caused sharp reactions
in the Congress and a deep rift within Truman’s Democratic party.
Though the President was unable to formulate legislations on the
basis of the suggestions, he strengthened the Civil Rights section
of the Department of Justice.
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