15.5 International Economic Policy
In order to maintain its economic growth, and its high standard of living the U.S. has become part of a global economy, selling its products as well as buying them from abroad. The position taken by the U.S. regarding trade, finance and monetary policy are of importance to institutions like the United Nations’ World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF). Loans and technological help for economic development projects in member states, are extended by the World Bank. The IMF aims at promoting international monetary cooperation, currency stability and international trade. Recently, trade has become the main international economic issue for the U.S.
15.5a General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and the World Trade Organization
The tariff was the main device used by all governments to aid
their nation’s business. Thus Congress generally favored interests
desiring high protective tariffs. However when sales in foreign
markets became imperative, Congress began to lower tariffs in 1934.
The Trade Agreements Act and its extensions empowered the president
to negotiate mutual tariff reductions with other nations. In 1962,
President Kennedy sought to revise trade and tariff policies. The
Kennedy and later the Johnson administration negotiated for three
years with fifty-three nations to draw up a General Agreement on
Tariffs and Trade (GATT). By the Kennedy Round, as these
discussions came to be called, tariffs were eliminated (with some
exceptions), as a major barrier to trade among industrial nations.
However, nontariff barriers like quotas, minimum import prices and
restrictions on agricultural commodities remained.
15.5b The World Trade Organization (WTO)
The World Trade Organization has superseded this agreement. These negotiations ensure that foreign markets are open to American goods and that protection is given to American products, especially with regard to technology and copyright laws.
15.5c North American Free Trade Agreement
By the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), ratified by Congress in 1993, a free-trade zone was established between the U.S., Canada and Mexico. A major public debate arose regarding the merits and disadvantages of NAFTA, which was opposed by organized labor. It was felt that manufacturers would shift their plants to the other side of the border, owing to the low wages paid in Mexico. This would result in a loss of American jobs.
15.5d U.S. Japan Trade
In order to have free trade, the markets of trade
partners should be equally open, that is, there should be a level
paying field. However, this is not the case with U.S. - Japan trade.
The American market is significantly dominated by Japanese products
like cars and electronic equipment, but the U.S. experiences major
problems selling automobile parts and agricultural products to Japan.
Thus many Americans strongly advocate measures to establish a more
level playing field with Japan, by including quotas on Japanese
imports and tariffs on select products. Yet others feel that such
a policy might harm American interests, since jobs are provided
for American workers by Japanese corporations and investments both
indirectly and through companies established in the U.S. It is clear
thus, that there is a complex relationship between the government
and the economy, and that the goals of personal and national welfare
are pursued in a highly political setting, which is inevitable in
a democracy.
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Introduction 15.1 The Goals of Economic Policy 15.2 Theories of Economic Policy 15.3 The Federal Budget 15.4 Taxation and Spending
15.5 International Economic Policy
Chapter 16